The History of The Griffin Institute

  • Medical research, both preclinical and clinical, has formed a recognisable feature of the Northwick Park Hospital site since the opening of the original Northwick Park Hospital early in the 1970s.
  • The Medical Research Council (MRC) funded Clinical Research Centre (CRC) and fulfilled this role until 1994.
  • In 1994, Northwick Park Hospital Trust asked Professor Colin Green to set up an independent medical research group as a stand-alone charity, to carry out preclinical research into conditions of local and national concern.
  • Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research (NPIMR) was thus formed in 1994 combining some NPIMR home grown research and surgical training.
  • Over the next 20 years, NPIMR rationalised the research undertaken to ensure direct relevance to patients and the NHS.
  • Concomitantly a significant increase in training, particularly complex surgical procedures was developed and maintained. During this time attention was also paid to increasing collaborative connections both with academia and commercial enterprises and funding streams were established through grants, donations, contract research, and training.
  • In 2017 NPIMR took over the Blond McIndoe laboratories which increased the wound healing portfolio.
  • 2019 The Griffin Institute founded.

The History of The Griffin Institute

Our Mission Statement

We will use our passion, expertise, and resources to deliver innovative scientific research and high-quality surgical training for the benefit of patients.

Our Mission Statement

The Griffin Institute has committed to the following core values

The Griffin Institute has committed to the following core values